Attention all webkit users! If your CPU usage is high viewing this website, you likely need to enable GPU rasterization. The fancy moving clouds are the main culprit, a gpu is much more suitable for this task than your cpu. On Chrome/Chromium open a new tab, type in: chrome://flags , find enable GPU rasterization, check that it is enabled. Mozilla based browsers seem to handle this better without any tinkering. Anyway, with this out of the way. Welcome, This is Mike typing. The background image is taken from Tiermark sim, a 3d world under development. Most of the buildings are my creations but there are other creator's master pieces in there as well. For example: On the lower left by the boardwalk, the row of shops are designs by Linda Kellie. The Building with the blinking light on the right, is a creation by Herminio Nieves. As many of you probably have noticed, this scene is actually not just one background image. It is made up of three layers. Sun and the red sky is the first layer. The moving clouds is the second. The buildings and the foreground is the third layer. ...... This website is made for 16x9 aspect ratio with a minimum of 900 pixels horizontally. However The fully responsive design of this website will cope with other aspect ratios as well. Copyright June 2017. Mike Tiermas.